

My first assignment was ice breaking.
The comment from my evaluator was not bad...
he said: i use unique and smart way in my speech..
he like my speech PS:i think every evaluator will say that to every speaker...
but he said me need work hard for my grammar....my grammar imperfect -.-...
he gave me a very good example and told me use heart to make improvement plus add oil..
yup, i will..thanks him a lot. thank the advices. Appreciate.

Some of friends said my speech special..
most of them said me done well and good job...
and AH counter dint detect any mistake from me...hehe...
oh yeah, i am learning a lot today...and very happy..

i need learn many things.
i need learn write the enquiry letter,
i need learn write the report and so on...
interesting..look forward to our 1 day camp-team building.
i do not care how much work they give,
i just care how much i can learn, how much i can gain....

Only leave 2 semester to go.
i had told them i will join until july 2011..
hopefully, i still gt time to finish 10 speech and get the certificate.
i must get the certificate before i leave.

My mum is encourage me going to KL after my study.
she said me should go learn more, she let me have my own decision.
but with her encourage, i surely will go there...
One thing can be sure is if i go to KL..
i wont stay with my relative..i prefer stay outside!!!
More freedom and i can avoid gossip...hehe..

If stay at KL, easy for me to find my daddy.
good...another reason going to KL...
i have many friends stay at KL ...good...

although i said my blog need to rest,
but i want write down for improvement.
oh yeah...

