
The lesson and experience of others

When I heard this video title, it attract my attention, I was really surprise. Why a master holder cannot find the job after graduate almost 3 years? He said: i find more than 200 jobs but no respond and no any good news to me. My first reaction is due to the attitude issues.i think everything happen just because of his personal attitude problems.

From the video, got 1 part he said, I had been a insurance broker, but less than 2 months get fired. What causes it???? study is wasted study and not study is not much different..Omg lar. Study is to increase the knowledge, not nothings. when you said this, it prove you really learn nothing when study.
Who said certificate is useless in this society? I not agree with this statement. Working experience is same important as certificate, if you had both, it bring a lot if advantages to you.
After saw this video, the lesson is here. Attitude is everything, with bad attitude, bad performance dont think you can get what you want..Now i want thanks the person, because of his video. i learn something from the video. Friends, we should have a look on this video, just learn from othermistake.
What I learn is:
1. The important of soft skills. Eg: presentation skill.
2. The important of eye contact.
3. The important of your first impression or image.
Suddenly, I found that my English beh ki liao. Now I really need work it up.

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