

Today damn tired , damn happy.
i can relax a while..haha..i must rest early,
start practice myself with a good habit..
eat on time, sleep early and wake up early.
hopefully, now i can hold this well...

when i went home, i had go to find my doctor,
i had told him what was happen on me..
he just shared his personal experience with me.
He had face the problem like me face now when he was studying.
Almost 3 and 4 year. Always not feeling well..
this not we want, i really suffer when i get sick..suffer !!!
Stress cause everything on me, although i not feel i had any pressure,
but actually GOT !!!

Today i know i get A- in my English test, really surprise about it..
my englsih so poor also can get A- !!wah....happy nia..
a bit can't believe....but this A- really give me some new hope lor..
I will keep try my best d...a bit happy about it...

Sometimes, i really need some motivation, especially from you..
but the words u had told me always in my mind..
bear it and keep move on !!! i know i know i know !!
but i really need motivation to push me to another level..
i wont simply complain but i just need some motivation that can improve me nia..

Today go shooting..took many photo..
song nia !!!!! syok nia......
i love that place very much... nice...haha....
before i left penang, i surely will go walk around that place..
but i cant go out alone, i not allow to go out alone..
can i do not follow the advice given by the aunt ??
haiz, i know i cant because of my personal safety..

Today cook spaghetti as my dinner..
not bad, but still need some improvement..yeah..
i love cooking, i can cook what i want..what i like ..haha
the most important is more healthy to every one ..

Today chat with my best friends..really miss her very much..
i wish in this coming holiday..we can meet at KL...
then we can shop puas puas..
she is the only girl like my sister,
although we know each other just 2 years plus..
but we like know each other since long long time ago...

