
Exam ar !!!!

i hate exam lar...2 more semester to go..
Yeah, i must pass all...
Study and study !!!

Before Production and publication exam.
Me, min, ren, Bra and Vian decide go to MC study.
1st , we went to sunrise MC..
there was too many people and noisy.
so, we move to Greenland MC.
Study in mc not my study style, realize when i study there.

when on d way go Greenland MC.
the policeman ask: Dari mana?
I answer: kami nak pi belajar, esok ada exam.
The policemen: okok. The smile with us, let us go..
Yee min: Pei, u siao liao, people ask u dari mana?
kamu jawap nak pi mana ...
hehe.. i pro lai actually, i know wat is next question.
so i direct tell him wat i wan to do.
easy ,simple, no need waste too much enegry to talk..wakaka...

But, every one was laughing.
I took few photo as our college memory.
Time is getting less and less.
I appreciate my dear friend who company me for so many years.

According Yee MIn, she always tell me.
Pei ar, you know in past, i really scare you.
U always stay far away from me.
Now, everything changes already,
me and yee min now become best friend.
NOw, she is my classmate, housemate. ..haha..
we build the good relation by using time....
I really appreciate them, who give me their hand when i need.
Thanks a lots and love you all...

Fully thinking... but is it just about P& P or???

copy , copy and copy...
doing note..

Let me guess, what will come out tomorrow..

My style, i hate black and white. My note sure must colorful. hehe

MIn, you see what, you see what !!! Study..

Production and publication. I gonna kill u tonight.

Ren ren was accompany us study at MC..hehe
she so enjoy ^^
But we so "hardworking"

Burn the midnight oil is not suitable for me.
It make me very blur whole day.
Of course, i wont sleep when exam.
but after exam, will like a PIG !!!

