
My Second Year

1. JIB 115 - Plant Diversity
2. JIB 116 - Animal Diversity
3. JKE 211 - Mikroekonomi 1
4. JKE 212 - Makroekonomi 1
5. JKE 213 - Wang dan Perbankan
6. JKE 214E - Labour Economics
7. JUE 200 - English 1
8. JUS 101 - Teras Keusahawanan

When i looking on my decision making for my second year subject, actually i'm a bit bit worry... I dont know what will going on... My minor decision making hope is correct ...A things Challenge myself is everything start from zero, use the heart to learn, is never too late..

First, i want congrat myself for proceed to second year, cultural shock for the system and use one year to study the cultural instead of knowledge of the book... I'm thanks to all the friends who share their information through facebook USM PJJ group... Honestly, i almost want give up in first year, but thanks to the person who always there for me, support me, encourage me... and try his best to understand me, give advice and use his heart to learn ... Appreciate you sincerely from my heart. Thanks you for always there for me and help me solve my little problems...

Last night accidental found a blog from the fb group, i love her article so much and thanks her for sharing her experience ...She is a Malay Girl, from her blog, i found she is a smart and independent girl... like to travel...i love her living style ... 

My second year, i hope i can performance well... why i choose continue my study....i have one more choice compare with others ...All i pay is worth no matter how hard is, i have to believe, the law of attraction...will attract the life i want in future... 

All the best to all my beloved friends...miss them... just a habit... hope both of them doing well too...

* think to much is a weakness can kill a person, i have to control it ~haha

Second year, another new Challenge begin... i dont know what economy is, what is biology ...but since i choose ...i will do my best to know them well... Add oil ~ no body born with Clever, there is the reason for work hard, work smart ~






2013年-8月4日 下午4.30分寿寝...我们永远怀念那个有点霸道但是凡是都为我们好的您...